Industrial Design Search

To establish a good brand value for the company, unique design plays a crucial role. You need to be visually seen in the marketplace, and there’s no better way than being unique. It increases marketability, leaving an everlasting impression on the customers.

With the help of unique product designing, it helps organisations to be out of the box. They can differentiate from their competitors in the market, leading to more drawn attention.

When you are unique, it tends to change the impression of you in front of your customer. They perceive you as sophisticated, different, and influential. So, security over your asset becomes too important, and you must offer proper protection to safeguard your crucial asset.

A design patent is a legal security given to artistic and aesthetic products and their operation. With the help of a design search, the company can have authentic ownership. It eliminates and reduces others from creating or selling a similar patent design.

The industrial design search is for a specific period of years and differs according to a different jurisdiction. A design patent is said to be a legal security, and there’s nothing more important than that.

What is Industrial Design Search?

Industrial design search is all about searching for a patent with the same appearance, aesthetics, and features as yours. With the help of qualified professionals, you can identify your potential prior arts.

We at PATHtoIP® use the right strategies to execute a high-end search for your case. We use the right keyword, design classification, and codes to determine whether your design is fresh or not.

The Industrial Design Search helps to locate and figure out any available design patents. It can be found in the public domain and various databases. Before you move ahead and apply for a design patent for your product/service, an industrial design search becomes essential. Since the procedure for patenting can be very time-consuming as well as expensive. In that manner, you have to proceed with the same only if it makes sense.

Why is Industrial Design Search Important?

Performing an industrial design search prevents you from any sort of copy of an existing patent. Several websites on the internet may or may not be using your design, and it is crucial to be careful since a copy can cause legal trouble. Do a proper search and see if your design is unique in all senses.

You can take help from a patent and trademark office or online to search for you. There are patent search service companies like us; we’re in the business, serving clients for their unique needs.

It can be pretty intimidating to search by keywords, and the most descriptive and complicated portion of a design patent is its drawings. Therefore, a thorough and detailed search of images is necessary in this case.

For Whom is Industrial Design Search Useful?

Many companies can make good use of industrial design searches. Let’s discuss who it is helpful for.

  • Innovative companies that are constantly involved with new and superior designs
  • Companies that are always on the hook to develop and launch newer products in the market
  • Infringing parties who want to study if their design is validated and unique or not?
  • Companies who are interested to learn if their design is new or has been infringed
  • Different kinds of industries dealing with consumer electronics, watches, automotive, apparel, handbags, cars, jewellery, and packaging, amongst others.

Industrial Design Search in India

The registration and protection of industrial designs in India administer by the Designs Act, 2000 and the corresponding Designs Rules, 2001. A design patent only protects its ornamental manifestation invention, not its practical invention or features. Some of the things to know when you do an Industrial design search:

  • You find out whether the design you selected for your product is novel. If not, you can make the necessary changes to create it unique and then apply for the patent.
  • To avoid any sort of risk that you may attract for an infringement case. Since if it is copied, the other company may create a case against you and make you fall into the legal trap.
  • To help determine the competitor’s plan to obtain design patent protection for you.

How Can PATHtoIP® Benefit You?

For your designs search India to be approved and issued as registered, they must be new and non-obvious in all senses. There shouldn’t be any similar, existing product design; this is where we come into the picture. It is very crucial to have a good plan when it comes to obtaining unique design patent protection.

It is the key responsibility of the designer to use art, drawing and other elements in a way that is unique and can not be copied. Before applying, it becomes essential for you to search for identical or similar designs before publishing. We understand why it is crucial for you, and therefore, we work and analyse the key features of your products.

Saves Time and Money

When you choose us, we save you time, energy and money. We do a thorough industrial design search for you, so you can relax and sit back. We have access to all sorts of tools and use the right and smart strategies. It helps achieve greater and more effective results in your design searches.

When you work with us, we divide the design into different modules and analyse it accordingly. Every module is then thoroughly examined before giving you any information on it.

Have Access to Various Data Basis

To do thorough and detailed research, it is crucial to have a sufficient database. With our help, you can find a more reliable search for your design.

PATHtoIP® uses a variety of keywords and different variations in our industrial design search to make it more reliable. We have access to advanced tools that helps us make the search very distinctive and clear. We aim to identify the Industrial design patent for you to be distinctive or not. And then suggest ideas that can help you be unique in the market.

Detailed Process with Quality Checks

When we take the responsibility of industrial design search for you, we have a very detailed procedure. PATHtoIP® ensures all the vital elements in your design are considered well in advance. Furthermore, our experts will compare your design to the prior art to ensure you are safe.

If in case there is any sort of infringement, we will update you with the same. We aim to give you a proper review and report regarding your design.

PATHtoIP® Methodology?

PATHtoIP® chooses a selective method to perform a unique industrial design search. We understand why companies must search, so we use extra precautions. Our practice is to give you better and more meaningful results so you make the right choice.

Then we identify the exact portfolio we need to work on for you. It limits our industrial design search, so our accurate search possibilities get higher.

Then we move ahead and focus on the design. We view the designs you disclosed in the disclosure and identify your industrial design element very precisely and the interest of your company. Accordingly, we proceed with the next step.

Once we are familiar with your product, service, and design element, we identify the relevant keyword for you. We have different tools and unique strategies when it comes to industrial design searches, and our experts leave no room for errors.

We move further by forming different design search queries that make sense for your products. These search queries are relevant keywords that help us identify whether your design is unique.

We will never be assured the first time. Therefore, we do multiple levels of quality checks for quality assurance. We want to be sure whether the search is appropriate in the first go.

Contact Us


Awfis Que Spaces Center, Seasons Mall, Magarpatta City, Hadapsar, Pune

Phone:+91 84119 35620 / +91 95455 88856

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