Patent Mapping

Sketching out the aspects of technology through graphics for understanding the developments

Graphical representation of patent data related to a particular domain of technology assists organisations, inventors, and developers in considering all the parameters, developments, and competitive aspects of a technological field. It acts as a link between existing technologies and new inventions to sustain the decision-making process.

Complex information that is not easily noticeable when analysing specific patent information becomes a clear image with the Patent mapping process. Specific technological field information will be available as a sketch that is easily readable despite the filtrations related to a geographical area.

Surpassing all the strategic analyses developed in intellectual property, Patent Mapping ensures that even the nonexperts can identify the competitive threats, development areas, or prospective acquisitions.

What is Patent Analytics?

A patent is an asset for the inventor and developer that will offer revenues for a prolonged period and bestow you with the exclusivity rights that an owner gets. Hence, strategic patent filing is of great importance because it will create a monopoly of an idea in the marketplace.

Through Patent Analytics organisations, developers get an opportunity to have an extensive overview of other patents, including the jurisdiction, technological aspects, Solution offered to the problem, inventor details, etc. Well-educated decisions and strategic planning are the results of detailed patent analysis.

Patent Mapping or Patent Landscape analysis are the terminologies associated with patent analytics. It is a continuous process of collecting and spreading complex information related to several patents according to different categories. Technology, prevailing market style, competitors, new commercialisation opportunities, and valuation of a company are some of the classifications followed by Patent Mapping.

What are the Requisite Methods for Patent Analytics?

In patent analytics, only one dimension of the patent is not considered; hence, the primary nature of patent analytics is cross-dimensional. Whether the involvement of the R&D team, finance, and marketing is required depends upon the objective of the Mapping.

Qualitative Patent Analysing

In this process of analysis, the quality of a particular patent is not determined through values or financial aspects but through other metrics such as technological impact, loyalty perceived by the brand name, strategic impact, and other numerically indefinable standards.

Generally, Qualitative methods are part of internal reviews and ratings because of the exclusion of financial ingredients in the analysis process.

Quantitative Patent Analysing

The usage of numerical to depict the information related to a patent is known as the Quantitative aspect of patent analysis. Through this, you’ll be able to understand the competitive edge your innovation or idea has over others. With this Quantitative scoring, you’ll get the actual score of the invention separated from the emotional aspect of an invention’s potential.

Quantity-based analysis, Time based analysis, and Ranking analysis are the sub-domains of this sphere.

What is Patent Mapping?

From the above discussion, Patent Mapping is considered the visualised expression of Qualitative and Quantitative patent analysis.

The Figurative and valuable aspects of the particular domain are clubbed together and represented as a graph or map—databases in the form of specialised computer software and professional human intelligence blend to produce patent mapping.

What is the Procedure Involved in Patent Mapping?

Identification of the purpose

The purpose for performing patent landscaping or analysis should be transparent enough for strategic performance or planning. Otherwise, the complexities that come along with each unit will make the analytics process lengthy. Hence, business development, Research and development, marking, and legal departments’ inputs become an indispensable part of the identification.

Filteration of Data

After the above inputs and defining the purpose, the next step involves filtering the available patent and non-patent information following the objective.

Clearing the data

This step involves the second filtration of the above available data to get more accurate results. Standardising the information or data in this process helps better understand the organisations, inventors, and developers.


Market, Customer benefits, inventors, technology, products, and rankings are different categories in which the data will be classified. Further, the categorisation will depend upon the purpose of patent mapping.

Presentation of the Results

The above collection of data and its categorisation according to the purpose will be represented graphically as maps, tables, and charts, known as patent mapping. These representations act as an asset for an organisation, investor, or developer; hence, the drafting should be carefully done.

We at PATHtoIP® have patent experts set the seal on the excellency in the deliverables. By following the above procedure religiously and rigorously, we ensure a blend of some useful techniques that makes the mapping process functional by providing clear and beneficial information related to the subject matter.

Benefits of Patent Mapping

The ongoing trend shows patents bringing immense growth for a business or an organisation, because of which the concept of intellectual property has gained importance in the last few years.

With Patent mapping, several benefits are attached that sometimes support the crucial decision-making for a business.

  • Assist the clients in bringing dynamic changes in the available product and its features that distinguish the product from others.
  • Helps in the identification of futuristic growth
  • Easy comparison of different technologies and their subdomains
  • Identifying overbuilt areas or areas having numerous patent applications.
  • Assists in understanding the essential trends subsisting in the technological fields.
  • To make the patent application more refined.

What are the Techniques Involved in Patent Mapping?

As per the general understanding, several approaches are available for mapping patents. However, all of them do not apply to each mapping procedure. Here, we will be explaining three prominent techniques that are part of Mapping.

Examination of Claims

In the patent, claims are the boundaries or extent of the protection offered to a specific subject matter by the patent. In this technique, a Patent claims examination will be there for the identification of the product or in what way it is relatable to the product. Assessment of every aspect of the claim shall be thorough to understand the link between the subject matter of the product and the patent claim.

Mapping of Patent to Technology

In this technique, the technology mapping exercise will initially be taken up by examining the claim for understanding the technology. After that, we will analyse the particular product to check whether that technology is a part of the product.

Intellectual Property Data Management

In this technique, one can evaluate the data available in the management system related to the product, company, or innovators. Through such segregation, one can implement mapping according to the purpose.

Attributes of the Patent

Sometimes some patents have special attributes assigned, which can become the subject matter for search. If there are any such attributes, the patent mapping to the product will be done according to those attributes.

Based upon the techniques rendered, PATHtoIP® ensures that a detailed analysis report will be offered, guiding the activities favourable to their client’s business or invention.

Why Choose PATHtoIP® for Patent Mapping?

Specificity of the claims in a patent application is of utmost importance because ambiguity might lead to the application as an infringement of third party rights. Hence, sometimes it becomes difficult to decode the language used in a patent.

Further, there might be chances that the product goes through development post the patent application has been approved. These are the challenges associated with the mapping procedure, and several other challenges will be available that are unrecognisable from the eye of an organisation or an inventor.

PATHtoIP® has expertise in patent analysis that distinguishes them from other companies providing services related to Prior Art. By understanding the requisites of their clients, we strategically customise the services that assist the customers in analysing their product and understanding its potential, which gives them a competitive edge over others.

Further, overcoming all the associated challenges, we at PATHtoIP® have adopted several skilful techniques and a team of expert patent analysts. With PATHtoIP®, data mining, visualisation, and analysis are done rigorously to assist clients in maximising their investments and quick-moving, unbeatable technology benchmarker.

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Phone:+91 84119 35620 / +91 95455 88856

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